Messages sent by Winlink can be received by served agencies via internet e-mail. Winlink operates much as an E-mail program and has many standardized forms such as used by the Red Cross and ICS forms used by FEMA and local EMAs. This gives a valuable capability when internet is unavailable in a local area, allowing stations to connect to HF gateways outside of the impacted area. There are also Hybrid gateways that will relay messages when the internet is down. When a receiving station connects to the system, the CMS sends the message to the RMS that the receiving station is logged in to. The RMS gateway forwards that message to one of two redundant Common Message Servers (CMS) via internet. A station connects via HF, VHF or UHF to a node known as a Radio Message Server (or Radio Mail Server) (RMS) Gateway. Winlink is a digital mode used primarily as a store and forward messaging system. The key here is that there must be an active operator on both end of the connection.
These modes (MT-63 2KL and Olivia- 8/500 are modes commonly used by Ohio ARES) allow operators to make contact, pass information and to transmit messages using one of the variety of forms in the companion FLMSG software including standardized Incident Command System (ICS) and American Red Cross forms.įLDIGI modes can be used on HF, VHF and UHF frequencies and allows for nets with multiple participants sending and receiving messages.
Ham Radio License Classes and Test SessionsįLDIGI uses any of a number of digital modes for keyboard to keyboard communications.Current Page Parent Training Toggle Child Menu.Current Page Parent Net Info Toggle Child Menu.Net may be shifted +/- a couple of kHz for noise/traffic Informal on-the-air swap meet for ham gear or computer equipment Monthly on-air meeting for the Willits Amateur Radio Society Net for learning and discussing the FCC rules for the amateur radio service. Net control rotates between participants.Ĭountywide/regional simplex net hosted by Len, WA6KLK Linked Net - South Coast – Fish Rock Road

Linked Net - Central County – Laughlin Ridge Local Area Net Schedule (Mendocino County)
Local net script - Updated December 2007 Suggested Local Net Script in Word Suggested Local Net Script in PDFĬounty-Wide Net Suggested Script - Updated AugMendocino County-Wide Net Script in Word Mendocino County-Wide Net Script in PDF Mendocino County Net Tips in PDFĬountywide Net Log Sheet – Updated Weekly 2023 County-Wide Net Log Sheet in Excel 2023 County-Wide Net Log Sheet in PDFĢ023 Countywide Digi Net Log 2023_DigiNetLog in Excel Other local nets use a local repeater due to topographic or other obstacles to simplex operations.

This would also allow communications in a local area without being subjected to interference from communications from outside the local area.

Some local nets are operated on a simplex frequency to ensure that the local operators can communicate between themselves without relying on a remote repeater that might not be available in the aftermath of a disaster. Nets can allow operators to learn procedures for emergencies, be an informal round table or be topical, covering specific interests shared by a group.

These “Nets” (as in “networks”) are moderated by a station referred to as “Net Control”. A net is a regularly scheduled on-air meeting with other amateur radio operators.